Living in rural areas in most parts of the world can be a refreshing thought, especially if you are born and bred in the maddening city life. You can breathe fresh air, drink pure water and doesn't have to confront pollution of any kind. All said and done, putting up in remote areas can also be quite frustrating at times.
If you are a tech junkie and rely on internet services almost every now and then, you may have only dial up internet access at your disposal. This will surely not guarantee you a high speed service. So, how can you combat this kind of a scenario? Do not worry. There's a solution for it. Read on.
The concept of Satellite Internet Service is fast catching up with its users worldwide. There are several companies offering services of this kind to its customers. They are available in two different formats: Two way and one way internet services. In the case of the former, a dish is mounted on top of your house. Through it, information is sent to the satellite and in turn you receive the download speed. In the latter case, your phone line is used to transmit the information to the satellite. In return, the downloadable speed can be collected from your dish.
The two way system has its own set of drawbacks. During cloudy and rainy days, the transmission between your dish and the satellite could be severely hampered. This is so, because the dish on your house top wouldn't be as powerful in sending signals as that of satellite in orbits. This condition is often referred to as 'rain fade'.
As compared to two way systems, one way systems are capable to send signals at much higher power from a building which is 14 storeys in height. The signals in this case are beamed from a telephone port up to the satellite in the orbit.
Some internet users may feel it undesirable to use phone lines for uploading purposes. According to them, it might be a negative point. However, the truth is far from it. Using a phone line for uploading is in fact a positive attribute as it does not have to confront situations like 'rain fade'. In either of these systems, the browsing speed is obtained via satellite to your dish.
There's one more advantage to one way systems over two way systems. The time taken to load pages is much lesser in the former case as it makes only one way trip to satellite before it comes back.
Affordability is another factor, where the one way systems score over two way systems. Installing two way systems is not easy and it requires professional guidance. They are also governed by the rules of FCC. However, one way systems are not controlled by any such rules. They are very simple to use and are far reliable. With one way systems, you can save as much as 150 pounds for an hour's work. What's more, professional help can also be sought for.
So if you are facing problems in browsing internet, accessing them via satellite internet services is the way to go. Just because you live in remote areas, don't let the technological benefits pass by you. Try it out once and you will not be disappointed.
way to go. nice post of article, informative
Link exchange please...
nice post.. care to ex links?
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